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2014-12-11 13:00:13
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Welcome to North Berwick a witches worst nightmare.

The North Berwick witch trials were the trials in 1590 of a number of people from East Lothian, Scotland, accused of witchcraft in the St Andrew's Auld Kirk in North Berwick. They ran for two years and implicated seventy people. The accused included Francis Stewart, 5th Earl of Bothwell on charges of high treason. The "witches" held their covens on the Auld Kirk Green, part of the modern-day North Berwick Harbour area. The confessions were extracted by torture.

The witch trials where disastrous for the witching communtiy but lucky in the modern day people don't believe in the supernatual anymore. Sadly in Berwick their are witch hunters to protect the town from the satan worshiper but what the hunters don't know is that the witches of Berwick just want to live in peace.

Other than the witches and the hunters Berwick is a very popluar tourist attraction with it's beaches, tourist shops, cafes, B&B's, art shops,unquire fashion stores and so much more. The people here are very friendly and kind. Always on the look out for a person who needs help, yes that is North Berwick for you.

Just one big happy family:)


1. All characters must go here---> North Berwick Witches Or North Berwick Hunters Or North Berwick Towns folk Or North Berwick Dark Witches
2. All sex must go here---> Magical sexy time
3. All non-RP talk must go in () or []
4. No being mean to each other or you will be asked to leave after 3 warning
5. Spelling dosen't matter but NO text talk and PLEASE use PROPER engish.
6. Anyone can join and please invite people too :D
7. You rp here---> Linger Rp Zone
8. No KILLING off other people character without his or hers say so
9. No god moding
10. Please keep the story line intersting, make up your know twists but please KEEP TO THE STORY LINE

The Witch’s Code of Chivalry

Chivalry is a high code of honor which is of most ancient Pagan
origin, and must be lived by all who follow the Old ways.

It must be understood that thoughts and intent put forth on
this plane will wax strong in other planes, and return...
bringing into creation, on this world, that which had been sent
forth. Thus, you should exercise discipline, for "as ye do plant,
so shall ye harvest."

It is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can
ultimately attain godhead.

Above all else, you must be true to yourself.

A Witch’s word must have the validity of a signed and
witnessed oath. Thus, give thy word sparingly, but adhere to
it like iron.

Refrain from speaking ill of others,
for not all truths of the matter may be known.

Pass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is,
in large part, a thing of falsehoods.

Be honest with others, and let them know that honesty is
also expected of them.

The heat of the moment plays havoc with the truth. To keep
your head is a virtue.

Contemplate always the consequences of your actions upon others.
Strive not to harm.

Different covens may well have diverse views on love
between members and with others. When a coven, clan, or grove is
visited or joined, you should always find out their practices
and abide by them, or leave.

Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humor are much to be admired.

As a Witch, you have power, and your powers wax strongly as wisdom
increases. Therefore, exercise discretion in their use.

Courage and honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when the
mountains have crumbled to dust.

Pledge friendship and fealty to those who warrant it.
Strengthen others of this path and they will strengthen you.

You must not reveal the secrets of another Witch or another coven.
Others have labored long and hard for them, and cherish them as a

Though there may be differences between those of the Old Ways,
those who are once-born must see nothing and must hear nothing.

Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the
eyes of the world.

The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and
within reason, for the most part they have been chosen with wisdom.

Have pride in yourself and seek perfection in mind and body.
For the Lady asks "How canst thou honor another unless
thou give honor to thyself first?"

Those who seek the mysteries should consider themselves as
select of the Gods, for it is they who lead the race of
humankind to the highest of thrones and beyond the stars.

This information was taken from "Magical Rites
from the Crystal Well" by Ed Fitch.

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2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anchee smiled a little at them."We'll get them back. Come lets go the china Palace."

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura "are fucking crazy? no! that could kill us or them or all of us"

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [No, don't hit it! You might make it flip...]

2011-01-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Follow it then..."

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Why they take?" Felicity asked as she took Patrick's hand, calming him down.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura stopped the car near where the bonfire was "no its a suicide mission we need to help the ones they didnt take" she got of the car.

2011-01-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "They have my sister!"

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I think they think that witches are bad people which I so bad of them to think."Anchee said as she took them to China Palace, her family restaurant.

Luke took the long away around taking all twists and turns until he was at the compound 25 miles from Berwick.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura "then you go be an idiot run into a place filled with people with weapons!" she stormed back to the bonfire "shit wait i know where the others might have gone"

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Witches aren't bad though." Patrick said.
"Mommy sayd we cants hurt others." Felicity said as they went to the resturaunt.

2011-01-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Take me to them..."

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson groaned, siting up as he held his head."Damn..."

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yep that is right. A good witch harms none."Anchee said as she took the kids into the restaurant.She took them into the staff room as she grabs a couple of menus.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura "i have to check on the others" she got into her car starting it.

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Glad your awake man."Luke said from the front seat.

Alyssa was still passed out next to Jackson.

2011-01-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE got in with her. "Let's go."

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Patrick sat on the same chair as his sister, they were both in shock still.

Jackson moved to a seat,"Your ear looks like it's bleeding..."

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura drove to the china place parking the car she got out and walked in heading to the staff room "what happened?"

2011-01-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He followed, hiding behind Laura, he was sure...everone was pised at him. He endagered...everyone.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura raised her brow at Drake "yes cause a petite person like me can hide you thats how it works"

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Yeah that witch punched my ear."Luke sighed.

Alyssa groaned a little, she was starting to wake up.

"Knock out Alyssa before she starts to attack...again."Luke said.

Anchee handed the kids a menu."Order anything you want."She smiled.She walked over to Laura and Drake."A raid. The bonfire got raided by hunters. We all thought it was safe but we where wrong. A lot of people got away but a few witches. Elli and Alyssa got taken by them. I'm sorry Drake, Laura."She frowned and lookd down.

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson leaned down, tazing her again, then looked at Elli....Getting quiet..."I didn't know she was moving back..." He muttered..

Patrick and Felicity looked at one another,"We not read much....

2011-01-25 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed and wrapped his arms arouind Lauras waist. "Mind if ....I hang out here? I ...know my past is checkered...but Im' trying to do...better, I've been clean for a year..."

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura frowned nodding "the kids ok?"

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Of course you guys can stay here. You can stay at mine and Alyssa's flat."Anchee said then she walked over to the table and sat next to Patrick and Felicity.Then she told them what the menu said.

Alyssa winced softly then was out cold again.

"Who? The witch that punched me?"Luke asked.

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anche looked at Laura."Yeah they are.Just a little shaken up. Want some food?"

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson nodded.."Remember a few months ago when I finally addmitted that I had a sister?"

Patrick and Felicity wanted beef and brocolli... That was their favorite.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "nah im ok and thanks"

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anchee looked at the kids."Sure. I'll just go put in the order." She stood up and walked out of the staff room and to the kitchen.

"Yeah I remember."Luke said.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura leaned against the wall.

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "That's her."Jackson said, looking out the window.

Patrick and felicity began playing a little.

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I see. Well she has one hell of a right hook."Luke said.

Anchee soon came back with two plates of beef and brocolli, she put it on the table for the kids as well as two glasses of coke. She handed Laura and Drake a glass of coke each."I thought you guys might be thristy."She smiled a little.

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: The kids ate with their fingers cause it was more fun that way.

Jackson nodded,"I taught her that...She was always being picked on in school...." He put his head in his hands,"I'm an uncle.... To a witch and warlock..."

Elli whimpered a little, trying to move a hand to her head, but she felt so heavy from the stun gun's effect.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "thanks" she sipped at her coke.

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anchee walked over to the table to keep an eye on the kids.

Luke frowned when they got to the compound."I would say a word."he got out of the van and walked around the back and he opened the doors."Just help me get the witches out of the van and into the cells."

2011-01-25 [Tis gone but never gone]: [right this rpg is on hold until I get back cause I need to go to sleep cause I have college tomorrow morning. So you can comment onces but thats it lol xD Night ^^]

2011-01-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson nodded a little and helped, grabbing Alyssa around the hips to put her over his shoulder.

Elli stopped moving when the van stopped so they didn't know she was awake.

2011-01-25 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled softly watching the kids.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke grabed Elli and put her over his shoulder and he carried her into the huge stone building, and to the cells.

Alyssa was still out cold.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli patted his back lightly,"You might want to put me down unless you want me to get sick on your back.."

Jackson was walking behind Luke."She looks a bit green.."

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura sipped her coke looking at Drake.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "She's awake."Luke muttered as he pulled out his stun gun and he shot Elli in the leg."Sorry Jackson but you know they can't be awake when they aren't in the cage. Sorry."

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Where's the little ones?"

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anchee looked at Drake."Your mean the kids? They are right next to me eating chinese food, Drake."

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli let out a soft whimper before passing out again.

Jackson shrugged a little,"I don't care."

Patrick had finished before felicity."Can we go get mom again..?"

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura nodded "the kids are ok thats good"

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed. "First day out of rehab...and my sister gets kidnapped...agh. anyone got a fag?"

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke put Elli in her cell. Now these cells are different because no one can use magic in this building cause the head hunter (who isn't Luke but his father) has put 6 amulets around the building."Put Alyssa in her own cage."

Anchee looked at Patrick."Well Patrick now right now because it's too late at night. You guys have been threw so much and I think you need to get some rest."

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura sighed nodding.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson put Alyssa in a cell and locked her in. He stretched a little and sighed.

Patrick's bottom lip started to tremble. There was a fit coming on..

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: DRake sighed and kissed her. "Got a fag for me?"

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura frowned "oh patrick dont cry we'll go get your mom but sleep first alright?"

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke locked Elli in her cell then he walked over to Jackson."Come lets get a beer."

Anchee shook her head a little."Don't even think about taking a fit with me, Patrick. I've baby sat your before and you know I win."

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Drake walked up to Patrick and got down to one knee. "I wo'nt let anyone hurt your mum."

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Patrick scowled at him,"He shot her. I not dumb."

Felicity put her head on Patrick's shoulder,"I'm tired..."

Jackson nodded a little,"Sounds good." He said,"Good timing with the stunning by the way... She looked about five seconds from hurling.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura "come here drake" she smiled.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anchee smiled a little."How you guys get some rest, yeah?"

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Patrick mommy will be fine, I promise." he'd smile, then walked back to Laura. "Yes dear?"

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Patrick looked at his sister,"ok Sissy..."

Jackson rubbed were the spell had hit his neck, leaving a slight burn mark,"Actually...Screw the beer...I think I'll start with whisky."

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "we should get some rest"

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Come you two."Anche smiled as she stood up and held her hands out to them,.

"starting with the hard core stuff? I can't blame you."Luke said as he walked to the hunter's common room.

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "But...I really want a smoke first." he smiled.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "i dont smoke so i dont have one"

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Anyone got one?"

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson nodded a little,"You would too..." He sighed softly.

Patrick and Felicity nodded a little and fallowed her.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I guess I would."Luke said as he walked over to the bar.

Anchee took the kids up stairs to her apartment and then she put them to bed.

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He grumbled. "To bed then I'll get smokes in the morning." yhe'd yawn.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "works for me"

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and smacked her ass. "Always wanted to do that."

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson got a whisky and sat down on a stool.

The two lay down and both fell asleep.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura eeped heading home with Drake.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Anchee kissed their heads then she feel asleep in her room.

Luke got himself a beer, opened it and took a swig of it.

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: DRake smiled and let her drive.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson drank the whisky and sighed softly. He sighed heavily.

Elli shifted a little and groaned softly.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled yawning once she got home.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I think we did good tonight. Two witches from our team and then another five from ther second team that got the run aways."Luke said.

Alssya groaned as she woke up, she rolled onto her back."Fuck me sideways..."She muttered.

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and got out the car, opening the door for her.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli sat up, holding her head. Her head was throbing, so was her thigh."Asswhole..."She whispered. Then her thoughts went to her children..

Jackson nodded a little,"That is a good round up.."

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "thanks" she got out of the car.

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. "Everything'll be fine, dear."

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "I know it will"

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smileld and waited for her to open teh door.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa sat up slowly, she put her face in her hands as she took deep breaths."So going to kill that very hot hunter."She muttered.

"Father should be proud...hopefully."Luke said.

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [rot roh raggy, she likes a hunter!]

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: [she just thinks he's hot hun lol ]

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled heading inside the house

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and followed, yawning. "So tired." he'd say pullig out his cell...and attempting to text his sistser...with a glimmer of hope that it'd work. hey..I'm out

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled softly

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson smiled a little,"He will be.."

Elli sniffed a little... She'd only been away from her kids for a few hours at a time...She knew she wouldn't be getting out anytime soon. Tears started streaming down her cheeks,"Who's gonna make sure they take a bath in the morning? And that they get fruit and milk for breakfeast... And I need more clothes for them, we lost everything in that fire... Patrick needs new shoes....Felicity does too..." She sighed a little

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He sighed softly and stretched. "Wanna fall asleep watching a scary movie?"

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke grinned."And tomorrow the witches will burn at sunset."

Alyssa got to her feet and she stubbled over to the door."HEY! LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!" She yelled as she kicked and punched the door.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "how about a comedy"

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and kissed her neck. "Adam Sandler?"

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled "works for me"

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: HE smiled and plopped down on the couch.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled sitting next to him

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: [right this rpg is on hold until I get back from college :D ]

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson nodded,"Sunset." He lifted his glass, a little distracted.

Elli put her head on her arms and started crying harder... She shouldn't have been so kind to him...She should have knocked him out when she could.. "Damn it!" She threw her shoe against the door

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled.

2011-01-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura smiled back.

2011-01-26 [Strawboy]: Alexander light a cigar as he looked around the tattered remains of the witch gathering. "Hunters, no finesse at all" he said in a bored voice. His seven body guards were all keeping an eye out. He put on some gloves and picked up the bullet casing on the sand, putting them into a zip locked bag for fingerprint analysis. He gestured to two of his bodyguards "I have business to attend to. CLean up this refuse" he said getting back into his limo as his men began burning the left overs. 

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [on pause homie]

2011-01-26 [Strawboy]: [no shit, i was posting so i could get in]

2011-01-26 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [do'nt get fresh :D]

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke looked at Jackson."You alright?"

Alyssa kept on punching and kicking the door until she was panting and out of breath."Fucking hunters."She muttered.

Anchee couldn't sleep, she just stared out of the window and at the beach. She couldn't help but have the feeling that something was very wrong.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: [Unpaused :D]

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson snapped out of it,"Yeah, I'm fine."

Elli just cried harder until she felt sick again.... She crawled to the corner and threw up

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "You don't look it."Luke said.

Alyssa fell to her knees and sighed. She needed to get out of here but she was too weak to use magic, so she would have to use her street smarts.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson shrugged a little,"I would have figured she was smart enough to stay away from here..."

Elli bit her lip, oopd..." She whispered, then she kicked off her shoes and stood. She wasn't goin to stay here long enough for them to do anything to her. She walked over to the door and wipped her eyes again.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke nodded a little."Maybe she thought things had changed."

Alyssa pulled out a hair pin, that she always kept in her hair just in case she needed it. And well right now, being locked in a cell she really needed. She got to her feet and walked over to the door and started to pick the lock. She was very good with locks.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson sighed,"She was always a bit of a fool....Niave."

Elli knelt infront of the door, pulling the boobipin keeping her bangs out of her face. she pressed her ear close to the door and started picking the lock.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Most women are."Luke said.

Alyssa pressed her ear to the door as she picked at the lock, she kept going for about 15 mintues then the door was unlocked. She smirked as she stood up and opened the door and she walked out putting her hair pin in her back pocket.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson sighed a little,"I wont be there tomorrow. I hope you understand..."

Elli kept picking the lock until it clicked. When it did, she put the hair clip back in her hair and stood up, opening the door.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I understand."Luke nodded.

Alyssa walked out into the hallway and closed the door softly behind her. She started to walk down the hallway, she was going to kill some hunters but she couldn't cause she was a good witch not a bad one. So she might just knock a few out.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli grabbed her arm gently,"Don't Alyssa." She whispered,"That will only prove their point... Even if you just smack a couple around...Help me get the others."

Jackson got another whisky.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa eeped when Elli grabbed her."Elli!"She hugged her."Oh god I thought you had gotten away. The kids? What happened to them?"

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli hugged her, and the tears started to overcome her again,"I don't know...But now that I'm out of that cell, I can tell there are others...I'm just not sure who..." She shrugged a little and wipped her eyes again.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa pulled back from Elli."Right we have to get out of here or they will burn us at sunset. Right we'd best try and get out the back way but am not sure where we are...."She looked around the hallway but there where not windows.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli nodded a little, but started getting the other doors unlocked, telling people to be quite before letting them out."Do you have a pen or something?"

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Nope. But I have this."Alyssa pulled out her gold hair pin.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "No....I can't write with that...." Elli said, someone else handed her a marker,"Perfect.... You called the leader Luke, didn't you?" She went over to her cell door.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa made a face of digust."Luke Hunter. His family has been hunting down our kind since before the burning times."She said as she put her pin back in her pocket."I swear if I see him again I will rip off his balls and feed them to him."

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "It's a pity he's hot..." She said,writing a short note...

Dear Luke Hunter,

I find it funny that you call us the evil ones, when you're the one who intended to burn us at sunset. I never did anything more than make you're ear bleed. Under normal circumstances, I would have apologiesed for that... But now, I really wish I'd kicked you in the balls..Hard.
Plus, I find it amuzing that you use magical amulates to control magic... Kind of ironic, don't you think?
Looks like bronze can't defeat brains, but nice try.

With love,

She smirked and used some lipstick from another witch to leave a kiss next to her name.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa snorted."He's a loser trying to fill daddy's shoes."

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli chuckled softly and nodded to Alyssa."Now...Out of this place."

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa nodded as she ran down the hallway with the other witches.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli ran with them down the hall.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: The alarm was sounded when Alyssa and Elli where out the front door of the building after taking out a few guards on the way.

Luke got off his seat."The witches!!"He ran out of the common room.

"Run guys!"Alyssa yelled as she ran at the back, helping the people that where slower runners while Elli lead everyone into the woods.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson dropped the glass and went out with him.

Elli led the others, telling them to go to safety, then she turned to help Alyssa.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Go! Elli! I can handle them. Get the others to Berwick now!"Alyssa yelled at her as she turns around. She was ready for a fight.

Luke ran out the front door of the building, he heard Alyssa yelling."Thank god that she has a loud voice."

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "No, I'm not leaving. They know how to get back and I know these grounds. I sent them in a direction they only have one guard standing over. You forget. I'm the duaghter of hunters... These used to be my playgrounds..." She helped with the others, then stood next to Alyssa."This has to end before my children get attacked too."

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa looked at Elli."This will never stop. There are hunters all over the borders. But it's fun to try tho, right?"She smiled a little.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "It doesn't hurt to try and talk some sense in them....Except for the killer headache's... I will not burn, and niether shall my children."

Jackson had his gun at the ready, knealing behind a barrier and putting Alyssa in his sites.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa chuckled as she turned around, she knew her eyes where glowing gold from her magic."Come on then Lukey! Show us what you got and I'll show you what I got!"She yelled with a laugh.

Luke glared a little as he stood behind the barrier."Come on Lyssa! We both know you could kick my ass with magic but could you do it without?"He yelled back.

"With one arm tied behind my back, Lukey boy!"Alyssa yelled back with a smirk on her face as she walked slowly to the barrier.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli stayed back, she was murmerring somthing into her hands. Her aura was glowing green...Naturally, she was a healer, not someone who ever intended to harm anything or anyone. there was a ball of light was growing in her hands. she smirked a little and threw it once it was large enough.....Right at their main power source.

"Fuck me sideways..."Jackson muttered as he watched his sister."She's stronger than I remember."

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke flinched a little when the main power source blew up."Nice...just perfect."He muttered.

Alyssa laughed."Now that was a blast!" She murmered a spell, her hands where glowing gold as was the rest of her body. Then she thrusted her hands out and fire mixed with lighting bolt came flying out of her hands and went stright for Luke.

"Fuck!"Luke said when he saw the bolts andhe ducked just in time."Take them out now!" Luke said as he changed the setting on his gun to 'kill'.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli smiled a little, then sent a blast t the barrier."Alyssa! We have to go now!" She shouted.

Jackson changed his setting to kill as well."I love you."He whispered before setting his sights on his sister.... He nearly pulled the trigger when the barrier blasted right infront of him.

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa shook her head."No. You go. Go to your kids. I can handle myself around these clowns."She sent out another fire/lighting bolt to the barrier.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli just about left when she stopped,"Freeze time! I have an idea."

2011-01-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa shook her head."Elli I mean it go. As coven leader I order you to go!"Alyssa never used her power as coven leader to boss people around unless it was a life or death thing and this was.

2011-01-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "no Alyssa. We're only pro-"She litterally flicked away a bullet like it was a bug,"Provig their point by fighting. This has to stop! And I know you know it in your heart too. The goddess is weeping because her children are fighting so... But if we take a couple of them, bring them back, show them what we really are, and let them go, it will atleast make them think!"

2011-01-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa sighed."I'm not going to fight. I just want you to get back to your kids. And I really don't want you to get knocked out by my magic cause am going to knock them all out." She looked over at her."Go. I'll catch up with you. I promise."She had a force filed up protecting herself and Elli from the bullets.

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He yawned softly, stretching on the couch, must of feel asleep.

2011-01-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lamia curled up to him.

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Lamia?!]

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Ish Laura, mish shleepy head]

2011-01-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Elli frowned a little,"You'd betteror I'll kick your butt..." She whispered before taking off.

[So I had an idea.... How about we add in more drama and have bad witches come into town..]

2011-01-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [ssshhh xD actually i was distracted by my dog XD i was wondering why he was stretched out on the floor sleeping XD]

Laura curled up to him

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled. [I like it, but we has to save meh sisseh!]

He opened his eyes, the movie was on the opening, where you had to push play it.

2011-01-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura curled up more.

2011-01-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [, it's up to Michelle goof.]

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smirked and kissed her neck.

2011-01-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: [Hannah I love that idea! :D eh I had an idea for Alyssa. I was thinking that Jackson shots her shoudler just before she gets a chances to blast the hunters, then she is stuck their until sunset. She is just about to get burned but Drake, Laura and Elli come to save her ^^]

Alyssa turned around and smirked at the hunters."Oh Lukey! I have a present for you and your baby Lukey boys." She chuckled as she raises her hands in the air and a big glowing gold ball forms in the air.

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I like ^^]

2011-01-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [works for me ^^]

2011-01-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Ooo, I like it ^_^ Should we make a page for bad witches? Just so people know what they look like? Even though we're gonna kill them? lol]

Jackson sat up and found his rifle, puting Alyssa in his sights. He moved down a little, shooting her in the shoulder.

2011-01-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: [yep ^^ I'll get right on it! ^^]

Alyssa's eye locked onto Jackson's for a moment when he shot her as she stubbled back. She lost her focus on the spell she had been casting and her glowing gold ball disspeared.

"Get her!"Luke yelled.

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and shook her a bit. "Wake up dear."

2011-01-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson smirked a little,"Got ya..." He got up and ran over, knocking her out.

2011-01-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura yawned "Nuuu"

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "We have to find my sister..." he'd whisper.

2011-01-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura nodded yawning "K"

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and stroked her side, then got out and stretched.

2011-01-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke had a perfect shot and he took it. He shot Alexander's leg with his stun gun thus knocking him out.

Alyssa was knocked out cold thanks to Jackson.

2011-01-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura sat up stretching.

2011-01-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jackson shot at the other men and women. Anyone else that was left did also.

2011-01-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: [on pause for a long time.]

2011-01-27 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [tay have fun at school!]

2011-01-27 [Strawboy]: [disregard previous posts, have a better idea ill do when Michelle gets back]

2011-01-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: [okay I have an idea. I was thinking of doing a time skip but we will do this when I wake up tomorrow morning :D I'll explain before the time skip ^^]

2011-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: [Okay here is my idea. Alyssa will be tied to a stake and Luke is about to burn her but just then as the fire starts Drake, Laura, Elli and the other witches come to save Alyssa. So yeah that is my time skip idea lol ]

2011-01-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: [tell me if you want to go ahead with it or not. Or up your ideas :D]

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [I like it, and to add even more drama, I think the bad guys should be introduced at this point too, you know what I mean? ...I actually think that after they get Alyssa to safety, the bad guys come in and start a war right there because Elli, Alussa, Laura, and Drake wont let the bad guys kill the hunters........... Does that make any sense? lol]

2011-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [>> I like it]

2011-01-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [sounds awesome ^^]

2011-01-29 [Strawboy]: [In that case i will move Alexander to the bad guys page as well, hed fit in more there]

2011-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: [I love that idea Hannah! :D It's so perfect ^^ Shall we start it right now?]

2011-01-29 [Strawboy]: [well you, jimmy, myself are on, though hannah I think may have just left]

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [nah, I'm here, watching]

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [We should start btw... I have this stuck i my head:] <>

2011-01-29 [Strawboy]: [lucky, i broke my net cap XD]

2011-01-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [:D ]

2011-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [that is..annoying]

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, Its amazing ^_^ And catchy...I was singing it at]

2011-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [surprised you didn't lose your job XD]

2011-01-29 [Strawboy]: [anyway, lets start then :)]

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, not infront of my boss!.... Yes, lets start..]

2011-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alyssa didn't try to get free, she knew she would die one day and today she would do it with honer. She held her head high and looked at the horizon. Seeing all the pinks and oranges in the sky made her smile softly. Making her look happy in a way.

Luke set a touch on fire."Tonight we burn the coven leader Alyssa Mackenzie!!"He looked up at Alyssa."Any last words, Witch?"

Alyssa nodded as she looked at him."May the Gods and Goddess take pity upon all your souls."

Luke sneered at her as he set the stake on fire.

Anya was walking next to Casandra threw the woods."Are we almost there yet?"She whispered.

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Indeed...We're nearly there..."She gave a shudder and a sneer,"But I think the goody tushous are too...Gods they disgust me with their blid ignorance..."

Elli quickened her steps as she ran through the woods. She looked wild almost, black hair in a tumble mess of curls, her shirt and jeans were torn, and she was barefoot.

2011-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Drake got nervous, heavily nervous.

2011-01-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura quickly followed Elli.

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "The lit it...And we've got company. Faster!" Elli said, then glanced at Drake,"Have faith.." She smiled before they burst into the clearing "STOP!" She ordered the fire.

2011-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Drake was by her side, rubbing the needle pricks on his arm.

2011-01-29 [Strawboy]: Alexander was in his office with a phone to his ear "remember, use the goody witches as cover." he said, the ear pieces in Anya and Casandra's ears receiving the call. It was thanks to Alexander htey had even found the hunters.

2011-01-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Laura put a hand on Drake's shoulder smiling softly

2011-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Luke turned around and looked at the witches that had arrived."Kill them all!"

Alyssa blinked out of her daze when she heard Elli's voice, she looked over at her and the other witches."Run!!"She yelled at them. She couldn;'t believe her coven would try to save her, those idiots. She would have went on ranting in her head but she saw Drake.

"Yeah yeah yeah we know Al."Anya said as she jogging over to the other witches."Bless it be."She looked at what was going on.

2011-01-29 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: DRake lokoed at his sister and snarled heavily, creating a balled orb in his hand, he'd launched it toward one of the hunters.

2011-01-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Shut up!"Elli knocked Luke down,"You're really starting to piss me off." She ran to Alyssa,"You can yell later." She said, getting her down.

Cassandra chuckled softly,"Aww, bless them..." She pretended to be helping the good witches, that way when she started killing the hunters, it would take them by suprise.

2011-01-29 [Strawboy]: Alexander smiled hearing the sounds of battle over his phone. He had stayed behind to stop the local law enforcement from interrupting the fight. 

2011-01-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Get away from the fire, Elli."Alyssa said.

Luke groaned as he got up, he grabed Elli by the wasit and he threw her away from Alyssa."Back off Witch. This has nothing to do with you. I've been wanting to burn Alyssa for a long time now."

Anya started to help the good witches by knocking out the hunters.

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